Update from Coach Hertz about this week’s training

4 Feb 2018 by Katie Beatty

From Coach Hertz

Hi Everyone! It was great to see those that attended the football meeting on Tuesday. The Football Staff is very excited to get back to work.

There will be a few changes to the schedule for this week only that may differ from the schedule that was handed out at the meeting. Things are very busy at the high school this week, plus we have an Early Release Day on Wednesday. So, the MS Football players will work out on Monday and Thursday only for this week. Both of those days will be Coach McClure days. They will be off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. We will start weight training next week. Also, MS Football players will not need cleats on Monday, as we will be on the track.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I will always try to communicate changes to the schedule as soon as I have them. We will get back to our normal Monday through Thursday routine next week. An updated schedule plus all training forms can be found on our PR Football website: http://porterridgefootball.wikispaces.com. My email can be found there as well.

Players that need to turn in their paperwork and money this week can do so by going by Mrs. Harrell’s room at school, or they can turn their forms into me after-school when I pick them up. If you do not have the McClure Permission form, or a Physical Form, you can download them from our website, or they can be picked up outside my office or Mrs. Harrell’s room.

Thank you! See you Monday.

Coach Hertz

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